To anonymously report bullying, please follow campus procedures as listed below:
Primary- Report bullying or any safety concerns by contacting a Primary administrator at (830)569-1325. From the Primary web page, you can also click on the Parents tab and scroll to the bottom of the drop-down menu to select Anonymous Bullying Concern/ Report to complete a google form. Campus administrators will receive an immediate email alert. All reports of concerns are taken seriously and investigated promptly. Use this link to report a concern now: Anonymous Bullying Concern / Report
Elementary - Large envelopes are placed in each hallway that students can use to report/ask for help/ask to speak to a counselor. These envelopes are checked daily.
Junior High - A "Buddy Box" in the library is accessible to all students for both shout-out's (positive) and/or adult assistance (bullying/negative).
High School - To anonymously report bullying and/or any safety concerns at high school, navigate to the HS website under the "Students" tab you will find a link to a simple Google form titled Anonymous concern/report where a person can submit details about alleged wrongdoing or concerns about student or staff member safety. When the form is submitted, all three campus administrators receive an immediate email alert.