Occupational Therapy

"Not every child has equal talent or equal ability or equal motivation, but children have the right to develop their talent, their ability, and their motivation." – John F. Kennedy

Occupational Therapy provides a continuum of services to assist students in accessing their curriculum. Occupational Therapy addresses deficits that negatively impact a student's academic performance. Some deficit areas that OTs address are:

  • Fine Motor

  • Gross Motor

  • Visual Motor/Visual Perception

  • Sensory Processing/Sensorimotor

  • Muscle Strength and Tone

  • Self Care Skills related to the educational setting

  • Independent Living Skills

  • Positioning for learning ready postures

  • Adapted equipment

  • Assistive technology

Student specific OT services are available for all children receiving special education if an educationally related need is identified through an OT evaluation requiring OT services to address the need. This service is provided to facilitate the student’s functional participation in his or her individualized educational program (IEP). OT services recommended from evaluation begin after the ARD/IEP committee has met to review the evaluation report and has recommended services. With the classroom based support service, OT practitioners and teachers work collaboratively to incorporate developmentally appropriate sensory and motor skills as a natural component of the classroom routine. These services are provided as an integrated support in the classroom where the OT practitioner may:

  • Identify barriers that limit a student’s participation in classroom and school related activities

  • Provide teachers with strategies to adapt classroom activities to address identified barriers and support the implementation of the child/adult student’s individualized education program (IEP)

  • Support classroom personnel in implementing assistive technology to support student success

  • Support the teacher to incorporate the fine motor, self-help, and sensory motor abilities of each student as a foundation for independence in participating in the activities at school